By Innovision Consulting

March 23, 2017

Innovision, in association with Mesopartner is designing ‘Local Economic Development Project in Bangladesh’ for Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Based on a fact-finding mission carried-out in 2011, SDC acknowledged the potential of an LED pilot project and it’s comparative advantages to plan such a project in Bangladesh.

In the process of designing, the focus will be on the betterment of local business at the small and micro level. This will also consider the role of bureaucracy and civil society in economic growth. It will highlight on the empowerment of local government bodies in planning and executing the development initiatives of local economy. This LED project will create an environment for a faster economic development.

This is expected to build collaboration among various public and private sectors at sub-national level; a project like this will enable economic growth and accessible business development services of high quality.


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