ILO and Innovision Collaborate to Support Salt Mill Workers and Seaweed Farmers in Cox’s Bazar

On January 20, 2025, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Innovision Consulting teams conducted a field visit to the Madina Salt Crushing Mill and salt fields in Islampur, Cox’s Bazar. The visit concluded with a focus group discussion with the workers at the salt mill and the seaweed farmers; as a result, many significant ideas on addressing the challenges and opportunities in these vital industries came to the surface.


Cox’s Bazar, which produces 90% of Bangladesh’s salt, is a vital hub for the country’s sea salt and seaweed industries. Despite their significant economic potential, these sectors face a range of challenges, including limited market access, outdated production techniques, and insufficient financial resources, all of which hinder productivity and competitiveness.


In response, Innovision Consulting, in collaboration with the ILO, is leading a project that addresses these challenges and ensures sustainable development in Cox’s Bazar. The project focuses on generating economic opportunities for locals, empowering women, youth, minorities, and people with disabilities, and improving labor standards. By diversifying salt products and improving market systems, the project seeks to realize the full potential of these sectors.


The project aims to:

  • Increase productivity and competitiveness through the application of enhanced technological practices and methods.
  • Diversify the range of salt products to develop new markets and robust market structures.
  • Provide farmers and laborers with the machinery and training they need.
  • Enable inclusive growth that ensures no one is left behind.



At the Madina Salt Crushing Mill, the team interviewed workers to obtain information on their working conditions, health concerns, and earnings. The interviews revealed a demand for a safer working environment, health education, and better access to medical centers to improve the well-being and productivity of workers.


The same day, the team visited Nunierchara to meet with seaweed entrepreneurs and farmers. The interactions highlighted the positive impact of training programs on the farmers’ knowledge and opportunities for generating income. The growing interest in entrepreneurship within the seaweed sector also underscored its potential for economic transformation.



This visit reaffirmed the imperative for sustained collaboration among stakeholders to address the challenges faced by salt mill workers and seaweed farmers. With improved working conditions, enhanced market connectivity, and the promotion of sustainable practices, the ILO and Innovision hope to transform these sectors into major drivers of inclusive growth and economic development in Cox’s Bazar.


Stay tuned as we continue to drive transformative change in the region!