Md. Rubaiyath Sarwar

Md. Rubaiyath Sarwar is one of the leading global experts in the design, management and evaluation of systemic solutions for poverty challenges. He has more than 19 years of experience in international development consultancy. He has directed 11 long-term multi-year missions in South and South-East Asia, MENA, East and West Africa on market systems and value chain development. He has also led more than 60 short term missions as lead consultant for the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of interventions on income generation, skills development, women’s economic empowerment, financial inclusion, private sector health systems development, malaria elimination, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) systems development. Rubaiyath is serving as the Chairman of the Value Chain Capacity Building Network (VCBN) for Asia and the Pacific. He is an international trainer on market systems development and the application of Business Model Canvas (BMC) for inclusive solutions. Rubaiyath has numerous publications on systemic and inclusive growth with leading global journals. Rubaiyath completed his MBA and BBA from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka. He is an Acumen Fellow from Bangladesh and is recognized by the Acumen Academy Bangladesh as a changemaker in Bangladesh.